At the Master’s Feet

As I look back upon my own history, little did I dream when first I opened my mouth for Christ, in a very humble way, that I should have the honor of bringing thousands to Jesus. Blessed, blessed be his name! He has the glory of it. But I cannot help thinking that there must be some other lad here, such a one as I was, whom he may call by his grace to do service for him. When I had a letter sent to me by the deacons of the church at New Park Street to come up to London to preach, I sent it back by the next post, telling them that they had made a mistake, that I was a lad of nineteen years of age, happy among a very poor and lowly people in Cambridgeshire who loved me, and that I did not imagine they could mean that I was to preach in London. But they returned it to me and said that they knew all about it and that I must come. Ah, what a story it has been since then of the goodness and loving-kindness of the Lord!

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