At the Master’s Feet

Our Significance to God

When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? PSALM 8:3-4

Lift up your eyes now to the heavens, and count the stars. Listen to the astronomer as he tells you those little specks of light are mighty worlds, some of them infinitely superior to this world of ours, and that there are millions upon millions of such worlds glittering in the sky, and that perhaps all these millions that we can see are only like one little corner, one little sand hill of the worlds that God has made, while throughout boundless space there may be long leagues of worlds, if I may use the expression, innumerable as the sands that belt the shore around the great and mighty deep. Now, one man in a world—how little! But one man in myriads of worlds, one man in the universe—how insignificant! And herein is love, that God should love so insignificant a creature. For what is God, compared with the worlds, their number, and their probable extent of space? God is infinitely greater than all the ideas we suggest by such comparisons. God himself is greater than all space. No conception of greatness that ever crossed a mind of the most enlarged faculties can enable us to apprehend the grandeur of God as he really is. Yet this great and glorious Being, who fills all things and sustains all things by the world of his power, condescends to rivet upon us, not his pity, mark you, not his thoughts, but the very love of his soul, which is the essence of himself, for he is love. “Herein is love!”

Through the Bible in One Year: Matthew 9-10

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